Friday, May 10, 2024

    Tag: awareness


    The Feed’s Feed

    A former colleague of mine recently passed away, she was a wonderful girl, with an infectious sense of humor, a heart of gold, and...

    Tuning Into Light

    Bless others in your gaze by an engaging stare; You don't need to identify the reason(s) that bring you bliss, joy, or happiness. Sometimes...

    The Now of Today

    Tomorrow is a new day, yet today is not even over yet. What can be said today that makes tomorrow guarantee? What can I...

    Self Confidence

    It would be great to have this outlook, and you can be that person, too. This article contains some tips on how to be...

    Self Worth and its Worthiness

    Self-worth, in my opinion, has been one of the most displaced and misplaced words. I have discovered that most people don't know what it...

    The Influence of Others

    It takes consistent personal effort and that moment of lining up with that decision to eliminate things, tasks, people, that consumes and drains you...